• Richard Rohr

The Search for Our True Self

We are all looking for an immortal diamond: something utterly reliable, something loyal and true, something we can always depend on, something unforgettable and shining. There is an invitation and an offer…from John’s very short Second Letter, when he writes: “There is a truth that lives within us that will be with us forever” (2 […]

January 01, 2009 by Richard Rohr

 The Principle of Likeness

To have a spiritual life is to recognize early on that there is always a similarity and coherence between the seer and the seen, the seekers and what they are capable of finding.  You will seek only what you have partially already discovered and seen within yourself as desirable.  Spiritual cognition is invariably re-cognition. Call […]

January 01, 2009 by Richard Rohr