God Comes To You In Your Life
By Margot Eyring. Margot is a spiritual director, well-being coach, and Shalem associate faculty member.
“God comes to you in your life,” she said simply, yet profoundly. Although not spoken in a loud voice, these words, offered by a wise Personal Spiritual Deepening Program (PSDP) participant, have continued to speak to me over the past several months. The idea was not new, but was spoken authentically and at the right time. These words came alive…..“God comes to me in my life. My life, as it is, is the place where God comes to me. God’s will is in my life. I can look to my life and see God calling me.”
God continues to work through PSDP in this way; bringing together people who have a hunger to know God and deepen their experience of living in God’s presence. All of us, participants and leaders, journey with each other for a time. As we explore issues such as calling, our stories enrich each other’s lives. Questions like “How do we know God’s will?” “How do we discern God’s voice?” and “How do we know the difference between our voices and God’s desires for us?” can be asked in the safe spaces of our retreats and conversations. We sit and listen. We offer ourselves. And God meets us.
As a spiritual director, well-being coach, and Shalem associate faculty member, I have explored and taught ideas about calling many times. Even though I know the truth that God has given me a richly textured life, the participant’s words were a gift during a season of struggle where I have been learning to be more fully present to the magnificent life I have been given. As I practice the disciplines of acceptance, embracing what is, and living enthusiastically into what is mine, the words “God comes to me in my life” continue to resound in my heart.
Participating in PSDP helps renew my commitment to honor what I have been given and to be more fully present to the life that is mine in the context of community. I don’t want to miss the joys of today by living in the uncertain possibilities of tomorrow. I don’t want to miss the gift of what is by living inappropriately in the past or regretting what was. I continue to be thankful for fellow pilgrims who come together for a season in PSDP and remind me of these realities.
I invite you or someone you know to consider participating in this journey with the Washington, DC 2014 PSDP beginning in March.