Moving From Head to Heart

I have been a mystic for much of my life, but I lacked the language to describe my experiences. Throughout various peaks and valleys in my multiple careers, I yearned for a deeper relationship with God. Time often felt elusive. However, I was on a journey that opened new vistas daily. Just over a year ago, I discovered the Shalem Institute. The program Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life and Leadership has allowed me to explore the new and the unknown.
One of the presenters during our first residency was the Rev. Dr. Michael Battle. I was captivated by every word he spoke about African spirituality. Although I had heard many individuals discuss Ubuntu—an African concept of personhood in which the identity of the self is understood to be formed interdependently through community—listening to Dr. Battle speak with compassion and intellectual fervor was transformative.
Prompted by the Spirit, I reached out to Dr. Battle during our residency and, when we connected, discovered that our travel schedules would place us in Cape Town, South Africa, at around the same time. While in South Africa, I met up with Dr. Battle and spent the next three days on an Archbishop Desmond Tutu trip with other sojourners. I learned about the deep connection between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and President Nelson Mandela. As Archbishop Tutu once said, “Ubuntu is South Africa’s gift to the world!” I cherish my time in South Africa and plan to return soon.
Throughout the Shalem Clergy program, my monthly meetings with my Peer Group have been invaluable. In each session, more layers of understanding are revealed. As we share leadership, the struggle for control diminishes. Each meeting feels like a breath of fresh air.
The required readings are extensive but enriching, surprisingly providing me with the language I’ve been seeking. Margaret Benefiel’s book, The Soul of Leadership, has become a companion on my journey. During my walks, I often read or re-read sections and queries from its pages.
A second book, Discernment: A Path to Spiritual Awakening by Rose Mary Dougherty, has inspired me to open my heart. It suggests, “Perhaps we need to pray that the eyes of our hearts be opened so we can see the gift that is there and recognize the practices and people that might encourage us to cultivate our discerning hearts.”
In the first half of my life, I was driven by my intellect. Now, I am moving beyond my head and diving into my heart!
I attune my heart by being still and listening daily. I have incorporated Listening Prayer into our Tuesday and Wednesday Intercessory Prayer Sessions. I co-lead Tuesdays with my Prayer Partner, one of our Deacons. Wednesdays are co-led by another Deacon and a layperson. I am already seeing a positive shift in the lives of the participants.
In preparation for Lent, I am challenging the members of the congregation that I serve to also incorporate Listening Prayer into their daily lives by discovering “Solitary Places” to also attune their hearts to God’s still, small speaking voice.
*Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life & Leadership is now accepting applications. Click HERE for more information on the program and upcoming information sessions.*
Beautifully expressed! Rev. Ron, my heart resonates with all you have shared and who you are!!! ❤️