Articles on Listening

  • Crossing The Threshold: Revelation of an Amazing Spiritual Adventure

    In my early years, the word “Revelation”– on the cover of the James Redfield book, The Nine Revelations (The Celestine Prophecy)— caught my attention. When the book came out in the 1990’s, it was a huge hit as the great spiritual adventure that conquered millions of readers around the world. Redfield weaves a tale about…

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  • Learning to See

    The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1: 5 This year I’ve had to replace my Advent wreath candles one by one as they spent themselves illuminating the darkness. Lit not only for dinner or in the evening, they have burned for long stretches of time at all…

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  • Inside the Ramparts: A Journey Inwards

    We speed past green, rolling hills, pastures full of cows and sheep, and the red roofs of brick towns on the way to the Spanish city of Avila. The three hours on the train pass as quickly as the scenery due to my 85-year-old grandma and my excited conversation about the upcoming pilgrimage: our expectations,…

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  • Widening the Lens: Diversity and Inclusion in Contemplative Living and Leadership

    Grant Awarded from Trinity Church Wall Street From 2020 to 2022, the Shalem Program Committee focused on the issue of diversity, equity, and inclusion through several initiatives, including: 1) meeting with the program directors of all long-term programs, to include more diverse reading lists and curricula; 2) engaging and surveying over 100 self-identified Contemplatives of…

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  • The Healing Path

    The next time I went to see Thomas Merton for spiritual direction, I asked his permission to spend some time each day alone in the loft of the sheep barn. With Merton’s permission, I began my daily ritual of going to the loft of the sheep barn to pray and be alone with God. One…

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  • Iona: A Touchstone to a Longer Horizon

    The Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh loved to tell a parable about a man and his horse. The horse is galloping quickly and everyone who sees the man fly by assumes that he is on a mission, going somewhere important. At some point a man standing along the road shouts at him, “Where are you…

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Our mission is to nurture contemplative living and leadership.


In 2025, Shalem will be a dynamic and inclusive community, empowered by the Spirit, where seekers engage in transformation of themselves, their communities, and the world through spiritual growth, deep connection, and courageous action.
