Articles on Nature
Say yes
Say yes to each new, unexpected manifestation of love. ~James Finley
Life at the Pace of Walking
Today’s post is by Cordelia Burpee “Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.” ~Abraham Joshua Heschel I have been doing a lot of walking lately. I thought it might be boring—all that time alone with no one to talk to, nothing to listen to—but I have realized…
Simplicity comes
Simplicity comes when we are wholly yielded to God. ~Thomas Kelly
Letting God Lead
Today’s post is by the late Gerald May There is a huge difference, I have found, between acting as if God were leading—which is what I do when my ego tries to decide and implement what God wants—and really letting God lead, which happens when my ego stops filtering and controlling and begins simply to…
Full Openness
Full openness is God’s image revealed in us. ~Tilden Edwards
Exposed to the Light
Everything exposed to the Light itself becomes light. ~Ephesians 5:14