Articles on Prayer
God Seeks Me, God is Seeking Me This Moment
Again and again, I am conscious that I am seeking God. There is ever present in me a searching, a longing for some ultimate resting place for my spirit—some final haven of refuge from storms and upheavals of life. I seek ever the kind of peace that can pervade my total life, finding its quiet…
Life After 50
In a marriage, a relationship or in one’s personal life, milestones are worth recognizing and celebrating. They are often times to pause, reflect and take stock – where have I been, where am I today, where am I going? What have I done, what is still mine to do? What do I love about where…
Sacred Abundance: Living Out of the Infinite Love Within
One evening when I was alone and too tired to do anything but watch a movie, I came across The Secret. I was a bit familiar with it and was curious, so I fortuitously selected it. Several things about the film drew me: the focus on abundance; the use of visualization to manifest what one…
Interfaith Reflections on a Hurting World
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”.-Frederick Buechner “When we seek what is truest in our own tradition, we discover that we are one with those who seek what is truest in their tradition.”-James Finley Frederick Buechner’s words deeply speak to me, and…