Signs Along the Way
“Pay Attention to the Signs” is on a placard at the entrance of a local farm/event venue, directing people to their gathering location. A good reminder. I know that I need to look at the signs to see God, whether it be in a little sign (the whisper– like Elijah’s) or a big one. And […]
Transforming Community Commitment Form
Program Commitment Welcome to the last step of your acceptance process for joining Shalem’s Transforming Community Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Program! Step One: Sign and Accept Step Two: Choose a Payment Plan Make sure to complete step 1 by clicking ‘Yes, I accept’ above. To accommodate different situations, there are several options below. […]
Transforming Community Commitment Form – early bird
Program Commitment Welcome to the last step of your acceptance process for joining Shalem’s Transforming Community Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Program! Step One: Sign and Accept Step Two: Choose a Payment Plan Make sure to complete step 1 by clicking ‘Yes, I accept’ above. To accommodate different situations, there are several options below. […]
Clergy Commitment Form – early bird
Welcome to the last steps of your acceptance process for joining Shalem’s Going Deeper: Clergy Life and Leadership Program! Step One: Sign and Accept Step Two: Choose a Payment Plan Make sure to complete step 1 by clicking ‘Yes, I accept’ above. To accommodate different situations, there are several options below. Choose a plan that […]
Clergy Commitment Form – regular
Welcome to the last steps of your acceptance process for joining Shalem’s Going Deeper: Clergy Life and Leadership Program! Step One: Sign and Accept Step Two: Choose a Payment Plan Make sure to complete step 1 by clicking ‘Yes, I accept’ above. To accommodate different situations, there are several options below. Choose a plan that […]