• Liz Ward

    • Liz Ward, Director of Shalem’s Nurturing the Call: Spiritual Guidance Program, is a graduate of SGP and has served as a spiritual guide for Virginia Theological Seminary since 1994.  She also serves on the staff of the Going Deeper: Clergy Spiritual Life & Leadership Program and the Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats program.  She is an experienced spiritual guide and retreat leader and serves on the Discernment Committee and the Commission of Ministry for the Diocese of Virginia.

Deeper Than Words

A shimmering ray of sunlight brushed across her thick black hair. It slanted onto the table near the hard wooden chair where she sat slumped in sorrow. Her head was bowed and tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. She was surprised by this new and unexpected surge of grief. She thought it was over, […]

October 10, 2020 by Elizabeth Ward

The Gift of Contemplative Awareness

Today’s post is by Liz Ward “In God we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 Voices on television, computers and in newspapers expose us to heartbreaking tragedies all over the world; taking in even a tiny fraction of the pain and suffering of creation can seem overwhelming. We see images of pain and […]

September 09, 2017 by Elizabeth Ward

Art as a Doorway to Prayer

Today’s post is by Liz Ward It all started with Michelangelo’s statue of David. While delighting in the beauty of Florence as a carefree nineteen-year-old, I was drawn to visit this famous statue. As I gazed at the vibrant, living, marble, time melted away and suddenly the afternoon was almost over. This was when I […]

December 12, 2016 by Elizabeth Ward 1 Comment

Opening to God: Receiving Nurture for Contemplative Leadership

Article by Liz Ward “In God we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 Voices on television, computers and in newspapers expose us to heartbreaking tragedies all over the world; taking in even a tiny fraction of the pain and suffering of creation can seem overwhelming. We see images of pain and suffering […]

November 11, 2016 by Elizabeth Ward

Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

“no creature that is made that can know  how much and how sweetly and how tenderly our Creator loves us” — Julian of Norwich Given the daunting economic, social, political, and religious challenges of today and the fierce divisions and demeaning actions sometimes accompanying these challenges, this seems to be a good time to remember […]

January 01, 2009 by Elizabeth Ward

Tending the Seed of Spiritual Friendship

On Becoming a Spiritual Director When reflecting on my ministry of spiritual guidance, it seems that being a spiritual director has been about discovering and nurturing something that was already planted within me and given in love long ago. It has been about listening more deeply to who I am in God and opening more […]

January 01, 2009 by Elizabeth Ward