• Soul Assignment

    Soul Assignment

    Today’s post is by Susan Rowland. This is a transcript of her audio testimony highlighting her experience in Shalem’s Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Program. You may also listen to her tell her story by clicking on the video above. My experience with the Shalem program “Leading Contemplative Prayer groups and Retreats”…

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  • Reclaiming Happiness

    Reclaiming Happiness

    Today’s post is by Savannah Kate Coffey. Happiness may be one of the most misunderstood and maligned virtues of our time. Happiness is, on one hand, exalted as the supreme goal of existence. There is great pressure to be happy. If you are not happy, your life is not worth living and you must be…

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  • Radical Hospitality in the Woods

    Radical Hospitality in the Woods

    Today’s post is by Crystal Corman It is easiest for me to connect with God when surrounded by nature’s beauty. I try to take in God’s gifts through the sights, smells, and sounds of the mountains, trees, or river. But most days of the year, I live in the middle of a city, surrounded by…

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  • What Does it Mean to Be Beloved of God?

    What Does it Mean to Be Beloved of God?

    It happened at the last day—the last hour really—of the 2013 Shalem YALLI kick-off retreat (Young Adult Life and Leadership Initiative). As our ragtag group of contemplatives wrote down on paper the blockages we sensed to living lives connected to the Spirit, we placed them in a bowl. We were then asked to come up,…

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  • Why Pilgrimage? Why This Pilgrimage?

    Why Pilgrimage? Why This Pilgrimage?

    Article by Carole Crumley (featured in September 2014 eNews) We live in what some have called “threshold times,” not just a time of change. We are in an era of profound re-ordering of the social, political, economic, religious and spiritual landscape. In this contemporary context, the ancient-yet-ever-new practice of pilgrimage is undergoing a remarkable resurgence.…

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  • Six Ways to Experience Contemplation Online

    How does one maintain and deepen a contemplative stance in such a frenzied, virtual world? One obvious solution is to unplug. Put the phone away. Turn the computer off. Go for a walk. Keep the radio off on the commute to work. Don’t leave a window open with Facebook always tempting you to glance at…

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Our mission is to nurture contemplative living and leadership.


In 2025, Shalem will be a dynamic and inclusive community, empowered by the Spirit, where seekers engage in transformation of themselves, their communities, and the world through spiritual growth, deep connection, and courageous action.
