God Math
One of the precious jewels of the Spiritual Guidance Program is learning to more clearly discern God’s calling to ever-more-deeply rest in Love – a Love that is always more trustworthy, more wonderfully surprising, and more intimately present than I expect. And it’s those unseen expectations that can trip me up, and perhaps you too.…
Spiritual Guidance as Love Activism
In the Northern Hemisphere where I live, we’ve passed the autumnal equinox and are entering one of my favorite seasons – fall. As the days become shorter and the nights lengthen, we’re invited to lean back and settle into this fecund, pregnant, obscure season heading towards winter. During fall our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrate…
Prayers for Hope & Healing During an Election Year
“To reinvent your country you need a great deal of hope.”-Jurgen Moltmann Over the past year or so that I have been sharing the hosting of Shalem’s Prayers for Hope and Healing, I often reflect on the audacity of it all. A gathering of Shalem-inspired folk populating the assembled squares of a Zoom screen; thirty…
Living Word, Living Way – Interact
Course Navigation: Learn – Interact – People – Resources Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 Praying for each other, in whatever way feels right to you, is the most important part of this community. You may journal in any way you wish: in a notebook, using art, or by adding a thought, comment, or journal entry with…