Hope in the New Year
Today’s post is by Mary van Balen I like to celebrate Christmas—all 12 days of the season. So, while discarded Christmas trees line neighborhood sidewalks, mine still shines with white lights and carefully chosen ornaments. By the time you read this, Epiphany will have come and gone, and my tree will be back in the…
Awakening the Energies of Love
Today’s post is by Patricia Farrell I think the most important qualification for a spiritual director is the commitment to a lifestyle of spiritual deepening. One of the very important things I learned, experientially, in the Shalem program is that doing spiritual direction is about the way I live my life every day. My own…
Living from the Spiritual Heart – Interact
Course Navigation: Learn – Interact – People – Resources Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 Praying for each other in whatever way feels right to you is the most important part of this community. You may journal in any way you wish: in a notebook,…
Stripping away
Some Buddhists say that if you strip away all the mental clutter, you discover that the world is made of compassion. ~Gerald May
Coming to Our Senses
Article by Leah Rampy (January 2019 eNews) A crisp winter’s eve. The longest night in the season of deepest darkness. The incessant drizzle that had dogged us for days deigns to pause as a small group of us put on our coats and leave the building’s shelter for the blazing fire. Our first year together…
The Privilege of Silence
Today’s post is by Carl McColman Back in 2003, I spent a day at a relatively new monastery near Sligo, Ireland. Like many small religious foundations just getting off the ground, it was struggling, although the members of the community were filled with optimism and a sense of purpose about their shared mission. I plied…