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What I choose.
I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become. ~Carl Jung
Thoughts on Contemplative Conversations in Congregations
Article by Stuart Higginbotham (November 2018 eNews) Is it possible to be contemplative in our conversations with others? It seems a challenge today in any context—at work, in the home, even at church. When it comes to the experience of contemplative conversations within a parish church, which is where I serve, I think it is…
Living from the Spiritual Heart – Interact
Course Navigation: Learn – Interact – People – Resources Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 Praying for each other in whatever way feels right to you is the most important part of this community. You may journal in any way you wish: in a notebook,…
Contemplation happens
Contemplation happens to everyone. It happens in moments when we are open, undefended, and immediately present. ~Gerald May
Encountering God
Encountering God is… like meeting a friend or loved one. ~Bernard McGinn