I See
When I see I am nothing, that is wisdom. When I see I am everything, that is love. And between these two, my life flows. -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Existing Through You
“When I lose myself in you, my God, Then do I see, and know, That all your universe reveals your beauty., All living beings, and all lifeless things, Exist through you.” -Tukaram
Truly in Heaven
In spite of all our feelings of sorrow or well-being and know by faith God wants us to understand that we are more truly in heaven than on earth. -Julian of Norwich
Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom
“We do not need to go out and find love; rather, we need to be still and let love discover us.” -John O’Donohue
The True and Loving Soul
The true and loving soul acts like a bee which extracts the sweetness of many flowers to make its honey. -Meister Eckhart
True Silence
Only true Silence is eternal speech. The Heart-to-Heart talk!” -Swami Satyeswarananda girl