Crossing The Threshold: Revelation of an Amazing Spiritual Adventure

In my early years, the word “Revelation”– on the cover of the James Redfield book, The Nine Revelations (The Celestine Prophecy)— caught my attention. When the book came out in the 1990’s, it was a huge hit as the great spiritual adventure that conquered millions of readers around the world. Redfield weaves a tale about an ancient hidden manuscript in the Peruvian jungle that can change the destiny of humanity and lead it to start a new life.
In a similar manner, thirty years later, my attention was caught by the words “Crossing the Threshold,” one of Shalem’s long term programs. My soul was drawn to the subtle call to a greater authenticity and grounding in God as the source of my life and leadership. Crossing The Threshold was, for me, an invitation to ground and nurture my daily life with contemplative spiritual practices which brought deep change and personal transformation; and led me to start a new life!
Despite my anticipation, I never dreamt of the impact of being immersed in a great intercultural spiritual adventure with pilgrims around the world. Nor did I foresee being blessed by a real experience of God: Revelation itself.
In the mystical experiences along the journey I discovered how to dwell in a sacred space by experiencing stillness and silence as a way to foster spiritual growth. I was also invited to make a loving space in my daily agenda to embody my own spiritual practice, build a personal relationship with myself, and strengthen self-communion. I have discovered the gift of silence, a place in which I can reconnect and build an intimate relationship with God. The spiritual arena of a sacred encounter, revelation, and communion with God.
Each cohort of participants in Crossing the Threshold participates in virtual residencies and peer group meetings during the program. These were perfect settings to create a sacred time and space to plant together seeds of contemplation and find mutual support, encouragement, and loving guidance. I discovered and practiced contemplative ways of being, listening, and responding in a community of sharing. I felt inspired by the Spirit to honor the presence of each one in my life and value the spiritual growth in community gatherings.
Through the lens of contemplation I learned to see with new eyes and to hear with loving ears. Contemplative spiritual practices, books and resources allowed me to notice the ways in which God is present and speaking and always bringing a new insight, understanding and inspiration to our lives. I found myself dwelling in mystical spiritual experience and witnessing the movement of the Spirit in my own life and the life of others as an Ever Loving Force calling us to a greater transformation.
I had never dreamt about having an encounter with a “soul friend,” someone who held me in a loving and compassionate way in my ups and downs. My new soul friends inspired my journey and encouraged me to move forward. Some met my deepest spiritual needs and held me in prayer. One lovingly performed the art of prayerful listening as a spiritual director. All were a blessing from God at this season of my life.
Crossing The Threshold provided the ticket to an amazing spiritual adventure. I could never imagine how much greater it could be to step aside and let God lead the way. Being led by the Spirit is the key to achieving a radical spiritual transformation in my own life and leadership. Finally, I discovered myself treasuring “My own nine Revelations”!
Being part of the Crossing The Threshold program was a life changer. A gift from God! As a recent grad, I encourage you to listen to the whispering in your own heart. In God’s perfect timing, God will call you to embark on this contemplative spiritual journey. Crossing The Threshold indeed!