• Kevin Omi

    • Kevin Omi, a graduate and peer group leader with Shalem’s Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Groups & Retreats Program, is also a spiritual director, retreat leader, and a United Church of Christ minister. His website is www.inthepresence.org.

Interfaith Reflections on Contemplation

As a peer group leader with Shalem’s Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Groups and Retreats program, my focus was on helping our associates to be fully present in the Presence through the many prayer practices taught throughout the program. Silence is one practice that plays a vital role in helping us to be fully present […]

May 05, 2024 by Kevin Omi 2 Comments

New Year, New Life, Renewed Call

Early one morning something was stirring outside. It was almost as if something was tapping on the window, beckoning me out. I pulled open the front door and immediately felt light gusts of wind as I stepped onto our sheltered patio. As I looked heavenward, the upper branches of the eighty-foot redwoods by the garage […]

January 01, 2023 by Kevin Omi 1 Comment