• Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

    Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

    “no creature that is made that can know  how much and how sweetly and how tenderly our Creator loves us” — Julian of Norwich Given the daunting economic, social, political, and religious challenges of today and the fierce divisions and demeaning actions sometimes accompanying these challenges, this seems to be a good time to remember…

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  • Sabbath Practices for Going Deeper

    Sabbath Practices for Going Deeper

    We yield, because you, beyond us, are our God. We are your creatures met by your holiness, by your holiness made our true selves. And we yield.  Amen. — Walter Brueggemann I have always felt drawn to a daily time of quiet reflection and prayer.  That practice has become more essential than ever, as I…

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  • Going Deeper

    Going Deeper

    “It is not you who shapes God, but God who shapes you.” I came to Shalem dried out and dusty-wilderness clay grown hard and stale.  I came parched for living water. I came needing renewal of my heart and soul-to be re-oriented, re-presented, re-purposed, re-shaped by the One who is at work even in me…

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  • I Surrender to God

    I Surrender to God

    Believing that one should end the year the way one would like to begin the new year, I spent the last three days prior to New Year’s Eve in prayer, meditation, and on a semi-fast. If I had been at Kripalu, my favorite yoga retreat center located in the Berkshires, I would have been experiencing…

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  • Restlessness in Prayer

    Restlessness in Prayer

    (from Will and Spirit by Gerald G. May. p.318) Appreciation of silence does not come with the same ease and readiness to all people.  Some find no difficulty at all in sitting still for hours at a time.  Others become fidgety and frustrated after only a few minutes.  It has been my experience that there…

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  •  The Principle of Likeness

     The Principle of Likeness

    To have a spiritual life is to recognize early on that there is always a similarity and coherence between the seer and the seen, the seekers and what they are capable of finding.  You will seek only what you have partially already discovered and seen within yourself as desirable.  Spiritual cognition is invariably re-cognition. Call…

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Our mission is to nurture contemplative living and leadership.


In 2025, Shalem will be a dynamic and inclusive community, empowered by the Spirit, where seekers engage in transformation of themselves, their communities, and the world through spiritual growth, deep connection, and courageous action.
