Just where you are
Just where you are —that’s the place to start. ~Pema Chödrön
Contemplatively Oriented Intercession
Article by Tilden Edwards (March 2018 eNews) Through all our clarity and unclarity about particular actions in terms of call and their alignment with God’s Shalom, there is one particular practice that can thread its way through our time, and that is contemplatively oriented intercession. If I suspend any sense of what “I” (my little…
Painting Love’s Journey
Today’s post is by Kimberly Borin Create a visual or word image of the feeling of love you have for some person, place, or thing. This means expressing the feeling itself, not simply a subject you love. – John Daido Loori, The Zen of Creativity, Cultivating Your Artistic Life A large white canvas stands before…
More possibilities
We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Iona Musings
Today’s post is by Bryan Berghoef Not I—not anyone else, can travel that road for you. You must travel it yourself. ~Walt Whitman A slight wind sweeps over the rocky hill, a cool relief after my quick walk and brief climb. Shoes off, I lean back on the grassy spot I’ve claimed and look around…
Breathe and let be. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn