• Contemplative Grounding in the Midst of Overwhelming Challenges

    Contemplative Grounding in the Midst of Overwhelming Challenges

    Article by Margaret Benefiel (in the October eNews) In the face of bitter political division, environmental degradation, police shooting of black men and shooting of police, the refugee crisis, wars, world hunger, and international political tensions, I sometimes find myself feeling helpless and even hopeless. Over dinner with friends, when the topic turns to such…

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  • Simplicity comes

    Simplicity comes

    Simplicity comes when we are wholly yielded to God. ~Thomas Kelly  

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  • Voting From Our Spiritual Heart

    Voting From Our Spiritual Heart

    Today’s post is by Tilden Edwards From where inside do we listen when we decide for whom we will vote? From where do the candidates listen? The greatest contribution a contemplative orientation can bring to such a question is its invitation to listen from a deeper place than those that might first show up, the…

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  • A Spiritual Pilgrimage

    A Spiritual Pilgrimage

    You need a spiritual pilgrimage. Begin by closing your mouth. ~sayings of the Desert Fathers  

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  • Letting God Lead

    Letting God Lead

    Today’s post is by the late Gerald May There is a huge difference, I have found, between acting as if God were leading—which is what I do when my ego tries to decide and implement what God wants—and really letting God lead, which happens when my ego stops filtering and controlling and begins simply to…

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  • Instructions for living a life

    Instructions for living a life

    Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. ~Mary Oliver

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Our mission is to nurture contemplative living and leadership.


In 2025, Shalem will be a dynamic and inclusive community, empowered by the Spirit, where seekers engage in transformation of themselves, their communities, and the world through spiritual growth, deep connection, and courageous action.
