To understand
Lord, grant that I may seek more to understand than to be understood. ~St. Francis
Letting Go
Today’s post is by Scott Landis I just dropped her off at the airport. I drove away with tears in my eyes as I felt that deep sense of pain that comes each time we say goodbye. Why is it so hard? Why does love come with such a painful flipside? But this time, as…
Before the beginning
We were loved from before the beginning. ~Julian of Norwich
Virtual Spiritual Community
Today’s post is by Clair Ullmann Can you imagine living in an area where no one speaks your language well? Can you imagine living in an area where you are hours away from a place of worship and faith community that is familiar to you? What would you do to connect to a spiritual deepening…
God’s first language
Silence is God’s first language; everything else is a poor translation. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God. ~Thomas Keating
Online Presence
Article by Gerald May (in August 2016 eNews) In 1995, when the Internet was still fairly young, Shalem staff member Jerry May reflected on the spiritual possibilities of this new online space for himself and for Shalem. Here is an edited, shortened version of the original article that appeared in the Shalem News, Summer 1995.…