Learn to dance
Learn to dance, or the angels won’t know what to do with you. ~Augustine
The Pace of Nature
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Price of Anything
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. ~Henry David Thoreau
If You Wish to Know God
If you wish to know God, first know thyself. ~Desert Fathers Proverb
To Be in Harmony
To be in harmony is to be in a conscious and loving relationship with what is. ~Jean-Yves LeLoup
A Willingness to Explore
Today’s post is by Jeff Nelson With just a few weeks left in my seminary career, my wife and I moved off campus and into an apartment a few miles away. We figured that it would be easier to have that step taken care of before graduation, so that we wouldn’t have to scramble to…