The Pace of Nature
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Price of Anything
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. ~Henry David Thoreau
If You Wish to Know God
If you wish to know God, first know thyself. ~Desert Fathers Proverb
To Be in Harmony
To be in harmony is to be in a conscious and loving relationship with what is. ~Jean-Yves LeLoup
A Willingness to Explore
Today’s post is by Jeff Nelson With just a few weeks left in my seminary career, my wife and I moved off campus and into an apartment a few miles away. We figured that it would be easier to have that step taken care of before graduation, so that we wouldn’t have to scramble to…
The World Needs More Poetry
Article by Bryan Berghoef (featured in June 2016 eNews) “Lectio divina is like reading poetry: We need to slow down, to savor what we read, and to allow the text to trigger memories and associations that reside below the threshold of awareness.” ~Michael Casey in Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina Michael Casey compares poetry…