The World Needs More Poetry
Article by Bryan Berghoef (featured in June 2016 eNews) “Lectio divina is like reading poetry: We need to slow down, to savor what we read, and to allow the text to trigger memories and associations that reside below the threshold of awareness.” ~Michael Casey in Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina Michael Casey compares poetry…
The Heart is Like a Garden
The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there? ~Buddha
Ilia Delio on Exploring the Cosmos [with video]
Excerpted from Ilia Delio’s Saturday morning lecture on April 30 One day, I was sitting in my little apartment in Washington DC, and I knew myself to be loved by God, and in that love, I felt myself really free. And so I didn’t have to look a certain way, or be a certain way.…
The quieter you become
The quieter you become, the more you can hear. ~Ram Dass
Healing Prayer for the World
Today’s post is by Patience Robbins. The other day I found myself weeping over the state of our world. I felt deep grief and pain; I call it being heartsick. I felt moved to seek out another person so I could share this deep pain. As we sat together and I wept, I felt comforted.…
All Our Acts
All our acts have sacramental possibilities. ~Freya Stark