This is a Time for Contemplatives

Today’s post is by Patience Robbins

As I continue to feel the turbulence, conflict and great uncertainty in the air, in me, in our country and world, I struggle to remember what I know from my many years of intentional spiritual practice and my life as a contemplative.

Here are a few things that come:

I am grounded in LOVE. I have written about this and given a body prayer in other articles yet I find it more challenging than ever. When faced with anxiety, despair, and fear for our planet, it is a constant practice to stay rooted in LOVE, trusting that and accessing that flow.

TRUST – may I trust that the creative Spirit within me, others and all life is flowing, moving, and dancing.  My daily question is: how do I partner with this creative Spirit or another way to ask that is:  What is mine to do in love and joy?

Connection and community are necessary. I find my strength and even clarity and creativity as I join with others – in prayer, conversation, meetings, all kinds of groups – who have a common intent to BE loving, authentic, open to goodness, beauty and truth.

Compassion can be the quality that is the glue among all of these. May I feel and offer compassion to myself for my own pain and distress, and for all the people and creatures that are suffering throughout the planet. As we recall our interconnectedness, one with another and creation, compassion is a healing balm that we can cultivate.

These qualities of love, trust, connection and compassion may feel simplistic or insignificant in the face of major upheaval. Yet, all I have is this one life – in this moment of history and that it is critical to practice what I know is true in my heart. These qualities can ripple out to all those around me and the planet. They may seem small but are powerful, because they come from the Heart of Love.

If you need more spiritual support these days, please check my website:, or consider signing up for my six-week online course with Shalem: Open Hands, Willing Hearts. The course is open for registration now, and begins on March 5. Click here to learn more or to sign up.

Patience Robbins

February 2017

February 02, 2017 by Patience Robbins
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