Sabbath Practices for Going Deeper
We yield, because you, beyond us, are our God.
We are your creatures met by your holiness,
by your holiness made our true selves.
And we yield. Amen.
— Walter Brueggemann
I have always felt drawn to a daily time of quiet reflection and prayer. That practice has become more essential than ever, as I realize without it I grow parched, unyielding and preoccupied with my own need to achieve and do. I forget to be. I need the daily discipline of Sabbath to remember that I am not the Messiah.
More than ever, I feel drawn into silent meditation, which can be mystical or mundane, awesome or ordinary. My own breath-the I AM sighing through my lungs-is a constant reminder that God is here. Simple postures of the open hand or leaning back consciously and physically into the heart of God, realign me throughout the day.
I also downloaded a presence bell to my computer. A simple thing, this has been an effective way to counteract the demon of technology that demands too much attention. The bell brings me back to centered awareness.