Blog Archive
Contemplation in Action – Community – Prayer – Listening – Spiritual Direction – Nature
Life After 50
In a marriage, a relationship or in one’s personal life, milestones are worth recognizing and celebrating. They are often times to pause, reflect and take stock – where have I been, where am I today, where am I going? What have I done, what is still mine to do? What do I love about where…
Sacred Abundance: Living Out of the Infinite Love Within
One evening when I was alone and too tired to do anything but watch a movie, I came across The Secret. I was a bit familiar with it and was curious, so I fortuitously selected it. Several things about the film drew me: the focus on abundance; the use of visualization to manifest what one…
Interfaith Reflections on a Hurting World
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet”.-Frederick Buechner “When we seek what is truest in our own tradition, we discover that we are one with those who seek what is truest in their tradition.”-James Finley Frederick Buechner’s words deeply speak to me, and…
Interfaith Reflections on Contemplation
As a peer group leader with Shalem’s Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Spiritual Groups and Retreats program, my focus was on helping our associates to be fully present in the Presence through the many prayer practices taught throughout the program. Silence is one practice that plays a vital role in helping us to be fully present…
Living and Leading from the Spiritual Heart
Do not forget that you servea Mysterythat neither you nor your father’s fathernor your mother’s mother began.And the laughter and the tearsthat accompany your laborare not bornof your clevernessor your holiness,but are reflections of the Mystery of Godin the still watersof the eternal lakeby moonlight…~ William C. MartinThe Art of Pastoring Nine years later, I…