Blog Archive
Contemplation in Action – Community – Prayer – Listening – Spiritual Direction – Nature
Opening to God: Receiving Nurture for Contemplative Leadership
Article by Liz Ward “In God we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 Voices on television, computers and in newspapers expose us to heartbreaking tragedies all over the world; taking in even a tiny fraction of the pain and suffering of creation can seem overwhelming. We see images of pain and suffering…
Collaboration as a Quality of Contemplative Leadership
Article by Tilden Edwards …learn this lesson from lute tambourine and trumpet learn the harmony of the musicians if one is playing a wrong note even among twenty others will stray out of tune don’t say what is the use of me alone being peaceful when everyone is fighting you’re not one you’re a thousand…
Mystery Taking Shape: Creativity and Contemplative Leadership
by Ann Dean The most visible creators I know are those whose medium is life itself… Their medium is being. ~Frederick Franck Contemplation is often defined as simple open presence, continually renewed immediacy, and direct awareness of what is. These are good phrases that describe our intent. Yet when we take the adjective “contemplative” and put…
Leading From Within The Living Presence: The Essence Of Contemplative Leadership
by Carole Crumley In this series, we have tried to describe contemplative leadership. We have talked about creativity, compassion, and collaboration and there could be many other words that we might name as qualities of contemplative leadership. For me, all of these qualities rise from the realm of presence, our open presence to Divine Presence.…
Deep Interconnection in this Election Season
by Patience Robbins, excerpted from a Wednesday Election Guided Prayer Session (in November eNews) “Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the Earth is our mother, this we know. The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth. This we know. All things are connected, like the blood which unites…
Contemplative Grounding in the Midst of Overwhelming Challenges
Article by Margaret Benefiel (in the October eNews) In the face of bitter political division, environmental degradation, police shooting of black men and shooting of police, the refugee crisis, wars, world hunger, and international political tensions, I sometimes find myself feeling helpless and even hopeless. Over dinner with friends, when the topic turns to such…