Blog Archive
Contemplation in Action – Community – Prayer – Listening – Spiritual Direction – Nature
Good Friday, Scapegoating, and American Politics
Jesus, a victim of scapegoating, understood all too well its origin and its outcome. From the “Hosannas” of Palm Sunday to the “Crucify him!” of a few days later, Jesus witnessed the fears of the human heart and how easily those fears turn to blame. Good Friday marks the ultimate scapegoating, the crucifixion of Jesus…
The Power of Fasting
(Roy is co-leading the upcoming Holy Week Fast For Peace with Rev. Dr. Margaret Benefiel) Fasting formerly was a common spiritual discipline dating back to Biblical times. The practice continued through the early church up to the Reformation. During the Middle Ages, however, fasting fell into disfavor as it became linked with excessive ascetical practices,…
Growing Through Crossing the Threshold
When I began Crossing the Threshold two years ago, two things were apparent: I lacked a vital spiritual life and was overwhelmed by work. The two are interrelated of course and of serious concern for a pastor. My relatively new ministry at a Los Angeles protestant cathedral posed challenges as unique as that string of…
There is a Crack in Everything
Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offering.There is a crack, a crack in everything.That’s how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen These words are the refrain from Leonard Cohen’s famous song Anthem, published in 1992. I may be one of few people in my age range who does not remember this song…
A Theme Psalm for this Lent
Psalm 25(from Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness by Nan C. Merrill) To You, O Love, I lift up my soul!O Heart within my heart, in You I place my trust. Let me not feel unworthy; let not fear rule over me. Yes! May all who open their hearts savor You and bless the…
Wasting Time with God
As a former energizer bunny with a calendar in my head, I’ve always been physically and mentally doing something. So, attending the Group Spiritual Direction Workshop three different times – both as a participant and assistant facilitator – was life-changing for me. Each weekend during these programs gave me the opportunity to practice the art…